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In an important step forward in improving access efforts in global health, Access Accelerated, in collaboration with Boston University and Chatham House, gathered an expert panel in May of this year to discuss key themes from two pivotal whitepapers. These papers, ‘Towards Harmonizing Measurement Standards of Access Partnerships’ and ‘Advancing the Science of Access’, provide insight into the current state of access partnerships and highlight potential opportunities for further development.

At the heart of the discussion is the critical need to align goals, metrics, and indicators among stakeholders, including the biopharmaceutical industry, participating in these partnerships. The need for a unified approach to measuring and reporting the impact of access partnerships on global health was one of the main takeaways highlighted in a new report summarizing the discussions.

Also covered during the day-long event were the key challenges in developing a common methodology and indicators for measuring access to healthcare, including the alignment of goals across diverse stakeholders. To bridge the gap, participants agreed that patients and communities are the “glue” that links the different stakeholders and the central driving force for collaboration.

In building a roadmap to achieve agreed-upon goals, the discussion saw agreement among participants and panelists on the need for more extensive research on the access landscape to avoid duplication of efforts. Part of that knowledge gathering includes sharing examples of what works and what doesn’t to shape quality standards for measurement.

The dialogue sparked the start of an endeavor to build a robust and effective measurement framework. The resulting report serves as an important resource to improve transparency and accountability in reporting the impact of access partnerships between the biopharmaceutical industry and global health stakeholders.

To dive deeper into these discussions, watch the event recording and download the full summary.