> Download 2023 Measurement & Evaluation Report

The strategic partnership between Access Accelerated and the World Bank is making significant strides in its coordinated response to the rising burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The partnership’s 2023 Measurement and Evaluation report details a series of advances, including governments in five countries who have strengthened their NCD response supported by World Bank financing, contributing USD360 million in additional investments for future NCD efforts.

This report catalogues the activities across the Access Accelerated–World Bank partnership from the 2023 calendar year – from advancing evidence generation, policy development, care quality, and sustainable financing for NCDs across dozens of national health systems.

2023 highlights


  • Increased investment: Governments in five countries strengthened their commitment to NCD prevention and care supported by World Bank financing, contributing to USD360 million in additional investments for future efforts. This brings the total value of additional investments in NCD efforts contributed by Access Accelerated to over USD4 billion between 2017 and 2023.
  • Geographic expansion: The total number of country governments engaged by the Access Accelerated – World Bank partnership rose to 49.
  • Building evidence and tools: 26 World Bank publications, supported by Access Accelerated, provided key evidence to increase investment in NCDs, while practical tools like the NCD System Assessment Tool were rolled out globally.
  • Sharing knowledge: Capacity building workshops in Gabon, Kosovo, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Vietnam, and other regions equipped health professionals with valuable knowledge and resources.
  • Policy Impact: The partnership contributed to key policy achievements, including Zambia’s first National NCD Plan and the Bridgetown Declaration on NCDs and Mental Health signed at the Small Island Developing State Ministerial Conference.


With the progress made over its seven-year collaboration, the Access Accelerated-World Bank partnership is committed to significantly accelerating progress against NCDs in LMICs. Moving forward, the partnership will leverage the learnings from 2023 and past years to further expand its reach, deepen its impact, catalyze greater NCD financing as part of primary care strengthening and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) to ensure that millions more people have access to essential NCD prevention and care services.

Read the report and learn how the Access Accelerated-World Bank partnership is making a difference.