Access Accelerated engaged RTI International in March 2021 to design a measurement framework to capture the impact of its investments for collective action through partner projects. Using its approach to monitoring, evaluation, research, learning and adapting approach, RTI is working with Access Accelerated to measure the individual and collective impact of partner projects while adapting the measurement framework as needed to produce meaningful and novel results. Collective impact refers to population- and systems-level changes achieved by organizations learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions. RTI seeks to capture the totality of partner efforts undertaken by monitoring a streamlined set of indicators, establishing accompanying narratives, and focusing on learning.

This annual measurement framework report summarizes the results achieved by Access Accelerated partners in 2021. It describes the “connective tissue” that Access Accelerated is building through its consistent engagement with public and private partners across time and space in a way that results in knowledge sharing, strengthened relationships based on a common goal, and, ultimately, trust.


In 2021, across 48 projects in 44 countries, partners reported:

  • Reaching over 30,000 people reached with NCD services, and over 90,000 benefitting from improved access to services
  • Supporting 136 policy changes
  • Developing 42 new investment cases and 117 knowledge products
  • Establishing 105 new partnerships in 34 countries


The 2021 Measurement Framework report documents the central role of equity in Access Accelerated partner projects, as well as the way that project embeddedness can lay groundwork for sustainability. The focus on equity demonstrates the Access Accelerated and partner commitment to agendas that favor collective impact. Flexible funding from Access Accelerated facilitates project embeddedness, supporting project evolution and longevity. The report points to opportunities for shared impact, particularly where multiple Access Accelerated partners operate in the same country.

Industry and private sector engagement in concerted action for NCDs can facilitate a diversified common pool of skills and expertise, coordination, information, funding, and technologies. Success requires solid coordination through a supporting structure is necessary. It is no small undertaking to invest in NCD prevention, management and control, and the diverse portfolio of actions captured in this report reflects the value placed on resolving complex health challenges.


Dowload our report from this link below.